

Nephrology is a medical specialty focusing on kidney function, kidney problems, and their treatments, including renal replacement therapy like dialysis and kidney transplantation. Nephrologist in Ernakulam are medical specialists who diagnose and treat diseases related to the kidneys. While both urologists and nephrologists treat kidney issues, urologists are surgical specialists focusing on the anatomical or structural disorders of the kidneys and urinary tract.

Best Nephrologist in Ernakulam


The Nephrology unit at EMC, the leading nephrology hospital offers comprehensive treatment for kidney diseases across all age groups, from neonates to the elderly. With strong support from our expert nephrologist in Kochi, we provide top-tier renal and kidney care. Our services cover a wide range of conditions, including:

  • Kidney and bladder stones.
  • Kidney infections.
  • Kidney cysts.
  • Glomerular disorders.
  • Renal vascular diseases.
  • Acute and chronic renal failures.
  • Urine abnormalities.
  • Nephrotic syndrome.
  • Acid-base imbalances.
  • Tubulointerstitial diseases.
  • Autoimmune kidney diseases.
  • Effects of drugs/toxins on the kidneys.
  • Cancers of the kidney, urethra, or bladder.
Best Nephrologist in Kochi



The Nephrology department at EMC Hospital is equipped with:

  • Modern dialysis units with cardiac monitors.
  • Uroflowmetry equipment and other advanced tools for treatment and diagnosis.


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Get in touch with us for any information about our location, patient services, facilities, or doctors.

For Appointments and General Enquiry

0484 2907000 , 4507000

24X7 Emergency

0484 2807266